Belchertown Mans Woodworking Hobby Turns Into Business

Belchertown Mans Woodworking Hobby Turns Into Business

October 5, 2022 |: Caroline Christmas!

BELCHERTOWN - Justin Satkowski took up woodworking on a hobby computer numerical control (CNC) machine during the Covid-19 lockdown. What started as a hobby has now turned into her own small business, Aqua Vitae.

"I bought the tools, then started making simple birdhouses as gifts for my wife and family, and it just took off," Satkowski said.

Aqua Vitae opens in 2021. Satkowski now posts many of her designs and custom pieces on Facebook, Instagram and EC. Satkowski has a YouTube channel where he makes instructional videos on CNC machines.

“The machine I use is a hobby CNC machine and I had to teach myself how to do it because I had no experience in my field. My YouTube channel teaches people how to use it and do some of the projects I design,” he said. . .

Satkowski's pieces include custom flags, city name signs, wooden signs and more. He said one of his favorite pieces is the challenge coin display.

“It's a motorized display of military and police currency. It is electric and I designed it myself. It's the same," said Satkovsky.

As the holiday season approaches, a piece of Aqua Vitae is a great gift option, Satkowski said, cutting back on her holiday orders in mid-November to meet the deadline.

During quieter times of the year, its duration is about two to three weeks.

The price per piece of Aqua Vitae may vary. According to Satkowski, he sold his work for between $50 and $500, depending on time, labor and energy.

Satkowski's advice for those who want to learn woodworking is simple.

"Give it time and effort, there's a lot to learn, but it's fun," he said.

Satkowski loves how his company allows him to use his creativity.

“It allows me to be creative and design things in my mind and turn them into real pieces,” she said.

Anyone interested in learning more about Aqua Vitae or ordering a piece is invited to visit their Facebook page at .

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