Eclipse Jakarta EE Upgrade Zeroes In On Cloud

Eclipse Jakarta EE Upgrade Zeroes In On Cloud

Jakarta EE 10, the latest version of the Eclipse Foundation's Java platform, has arrived today with a special focus on cloud application development.

Specifications were introduced as part of the Eclipse release, including the Jakarta EE 10 platform, a new web profile and a new master profile. A compatible implementation of Jakarta EE 10 is provided by the Eclipse GlassFish 7 application server; It is expected soon from other companies such as IBM.

According to Eclipse, the key to the Jakarta EE 10 release is the ability to create modern, simplified, and lightweight Java cloud applications while providing a foundation for developing Java technologies for enterprises.

Jakarta EE can be downloaded from the project website. Key features of Jakarta 10 EE include:

  • A core profile that provides a subset of the Jakarta EE specification that focuses on small runtimes appropriate for the development of lightweight microservices, including the CDI-Lite specification for building lightweight Jakarta EE applications. CDI-Lite provides a zero-map programming model that enables native-format assembly through assembly-aware extensions. Core Profile is the first new Java profile in over a decade.
  • Java SE 10 and Java SE 17 application development.
  • Simplified application development with greater use of annotations, easier building of modular applications, and better integration between component APIs.
  • Support for system modules introduced in Java SE 9 and supported in Java SE 11.

It delivers more than 20 component specifications through release updates that are reflected in specific APIs such as Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) 4.0, Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 and Jakarta Security 3.0, support for OpenID Connect and the ongoing Jakarta requirements.

Jakarta EE 10 is based on Java SE 17. While the standard Java includes the core JVM and libraries, Jakarta EE adds standard APIs that are useful for building enterprise applications with additional features such as security and stability.

According to Red Hat, who helped develop Jakarta EE 10, Enterprise Java is the use of Java to develop enterprise level software applications. It combines a set of APIs and application servers that implement those APIs. Enterprise Java is used in government, communications, banking and accounting information systems, and e-commerce.

Other participants in Jakarta EE 10 include IBM, Oracle, Fujitsu, Payara and Tomitribe. Eclipse took over the development of Enterprise Java, better known as Java EE (Enterprise Edition), after Oracle relinquished responsibility in 2017.

The previous generation Jakarta EE, version 9, debuted in December 2020 with a new namespace.

Along with the release of Jakarta EE 10 today, Eclipse is also announcing the results of the 2022 Jakarta EE Developer Survey. Java Developer Survey Results for Enterprise:

  • More than 59% of respondents have already moved to Jakarta EE or plan to do so in the next 6 to 24 months.
  • Top priorities for the Jakarta EE community include native integration with Kubernetes, better support for microservices, and faster support for Java EE, Jakarta EE, and cloud service providers.
  • 19% of respondents stated that more than 80% of their Java systems are currently hosted in the cloud.
  • Some of the best IDEs for developing applications include Jakarta EE Eclipse, JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, and Microsoft Visual Studio.

The Javarta EE Developer 2022 Survey was conducted from March 9, 2022 to May 6, 2022 and attracted 1,439 participants.

Copyright © 2022 IDG Communications, Inc.

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