Woodcraft Is Looking For Turn For Troops TurnaThon Volunteers

Woodcraft Is Looking For Turn For Troops TurnaThon Volunteers

Woodcraft is calling on pliers manufacturers to support their annual Turn-A-Thon event taking place the weekend of November 5-6 .

Parkersburg, West Virginia. , Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Woodcraft is seeking volunteers to create custom pens that send messages of love and support to active duty service members and those recovering from injury. Woodcraft retail stores will be twisting stamps during the 19th annual Turn-A-Thon for the Troops on Nov. 5 and 6 . Interested volunteers can contact their local woodcraft shop for details.

Volunteers donated 14,703 pens in 2021, bringing a total of 219,970 pens to 18-year-olds.

"Woodcraft is grateful for the many volunteers who donate their time and talents to make this military program possible," said President and CEO Jack Bigger . "They are a very loyal group and we look forward to another successful event this year."

Lumber shops can provide detailed information on participation in various activities. A volunteer who has never turned a pin but would like to participate in the drive can contact their local woodcraft shop to see if they will be given instructions on how to turn the pin for the first time on the day of the drive. Two Woodworking Adventures blogs also offer pen turning instructions: "Pen Turning 101" and "A Great Start to Basic Pen Turning."

If your local Woodcraft store is not available, a local store does not participate, or attending an in-store event is not an option, please contact Lori Harper at Woodcraft Headquarters at 304-865-4107 or email lori_harper@woodcraft. com. You will provide information and instructions on how to send completed pens to the corporate office.

personal relationship
Pen manufacturers are encouraged to attach notes to their pens. In addition to thanking the serviceman or woman for their service, notes sometimes include the type of wood the pin is made of and contact information for the maker.

The Woodcraft Shop in Seattle, Washington shared some of these student comments. One student wrote, "Thank you for serving our country. You are one of the people who keep us up at night knowing you are protecting us. Thank you."

In response, some recipients are also sending thank-you letters explaining why Woodcraft will continue to sponsor the event during and after COVID.

"I don't usually ask if I can have one of these pens? I'm a disabled veteran who served in the military for about 8 years. I've had a hard time with depression and I think I have something physical and I want someone like Know someone who cares enough to do this for people like me to help in some way."

A US Air Force lieutenant colonel of the 52nd Civil Engineer Squadron stationed in Germany , on behalf of his squadron, wrote to praise the unique qualities of the insignia given to his team. "Everywhere I go, I see people using it. Thanks for taking the time to make this happen. It's really helped our team morale."

A retired soldier working as a security guard in a hospital saw veterans and asked for some pens. Later, he wrote to Woodcraft that he had given the badge to four-month veterans of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard, some of whom had served in Korea , Vietnam, and Iraq / Afghanistan , and any who remained. behind for some time. surprise gift

Distribution of contacts
Requests for badges come to Woodcraft throughout the year, and Woodcraft staff in the corporate office regularly coordinate with the military on where to send the badges. Sometimes stores suggest where to send badges, and other times military personnel will turn to Woodcraft after reading an ad for an annual event.

For more information about Woodcraft, visit your nearest Woodcraft store, visit Woodcraft.com or call (800) 535-4482. To learn more about Woodcraft franchise opportunities, visit woodcraftfranchise.com or email woodcraftfranchise@woodcraft.com. Woodcraft's social media sites include: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube.

Media links

Lori Harper , Woodcraft Supply, LLC, 304-865-4107, lori_harper@woodcraft.com

Source Woodcraft Supply, LLC

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