HBO'S The Last Of Us: The Best Quotes From Episode 2

HBO'S The Last Of Us: The Best Quotes From Episode 2
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The latter was a good proof of concept for our first episode . It proved that a great adaptation of a beloved video game is possible, which fans hope will be appreciated all season long. The second episode continues as Joel, Tess and Ellie travel through Boston.

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This episode kicks off with another flashback like the first episode, but it has all the new surprises that fans have been waiting for. Otherwise, it's a fairly faithful adaptation of the show's journey through Boston. The first part of our last episode had some great quotes and the second part continues this trend.

"Bomb this city and everyone in it."

The show begins with the aforementioned flashback, taking viewers to Indonesia in 2003.

The army takes in a mushroom professor, Ibu Ratna, to examine his body for what they think is an infection. He doesn't believe the news, but the military describes the vaccination plan in a sad way. It's the bomb because unfortunately it's the only cure.

"Joel and I are not good people."

Following our last introduction , the scene cuts to Ellie waking up in a bed of lighted grass in a dilapidated building. It's reminiscent of Cloud waking up in a bed of flowers in Final Fantasy 7 , greeted by none other than Aerith's friendly face.

Instead, he looked Joel and Tess in the eye. There's a lot of good work in this scene, like Ellie's love for the f-bomb, but Tess talking about how she and Joel aren't good people.

"Do you think we have a swimming pool in the HQ?

In a world full of infected tails, it's easy to forget that Ellie is just a kid. A child who grows up to be an infected person without knowing how the world works. He may swear a lot, but he's still curious.

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Bella Ramsay does a great job impersonating Eli in this episode as she happily climbs up to the hotel desk and starts ringing the bell. QZ has a good joke that QZ doesn't have a pool because Ellie can't swim for Joel before.

"Will Merlin get you one of these or just a sandwich?"

After passing through the hotel, the three survivors find themselves at the entrance to the museum. They begin to prepare to enter when Joel pulls out a flashlight. He then told this subtle joke to the turtle, who was startled by the flashlight.

Joel was still a little jealous, so while he and Tess wanted to share portions of the leanest beef, Ellie had to eat the fattiest buns imaginable. Joel is still not the best father in the world to Ellie.

"You can't see, but you can hear."

There are many exciting moments in the second part of our last episode, but the biggest one is when they enter the museum. Eventually the infected monster begins to follow them and Joel whispers to Tess and Ellie.

Joel knew what Eli meant when he first cried. Xevahiri made a mistake by stepping on the glass. It's a tough fight in the museum, but once you escape, everything seems fine.

"It was scary, it was made of wood."

It's a stress reliever for the audience after the band leaves. There is a trunk connecting the museum to the building across the street. Joel warns Ellie to be careful, to which she responds.

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Eli, who is not afraid of heights, is wild, even though infected people follow him in the museum. In a post-apocalyptic world, survivors must choose who they are and what they are not afraid of. Sometimes it's a fine line and it can literally be as thin as wood.

"The healthy fought the sick, all lost."

The ending leaves the three survivors staring at the scene of a van on top of the main building. It is for Ellie that Tess and Joel must retrieve Fiflies' battery.

Unfortunately, the infected bites one of the party members and damages all resistance from within. Joel analyzes the situation and explains it to Eli. It's a good way to get used to the fact that allies can become enemies in the blink of an eye.

"You live and do everything right."

This is one of the best lines from 'Our Final Trailer' . Tess is tired of losing and Eli wants with all his heart to believe that he can save the world. Even though she is infected, she wants Joel to protect Ellie. It's not about the two of them anymore, which is the complete opposite of what Tess said to Ellie at the beginning of the episode.

Sometimes they can be selfish people, but that doesn't mean Tess can't change. It's not hard to imagine what Tess would say to Joel if he found out that his sacrifice was in vain if he didn't let the sparklers work on Ellie.

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