Everything You Need To Know About Woodworking Tools

Everything You Need To Know About Woodworking Tools

Woodworking involves many different tasks. What may be one carpenter's essential tool may end up dusty and unused in another's workshop. For a beginner, all these tool options can be overwhelming.

But no matter what type of woodworking you're interested in, there are basic skills that are universal to everyone. Every carpenter has to cut, drill, shape, clamp, measure and finish , and he needs the right tools to get the job done.

We've rounded up some of the most common tools in each category, highlighting what they're good for and which tools are most essential. If you're working on a tight budget, don't buy tools, find ways to use them. Start by choosing the projects you like, then buy only tools that are relevant to those projects.

A few notes before we begin:

  • We focus here on woodworking, not carpentry. There is a lot of overlap between the two, but generally a carpenter creates buildings and structures while a joiner creates things ranging from chairs to pens. Many of the tools listed here are also used in woodworking.
  • We have not included any security tools. No matter what type of woodworking you do, always keep the proper safety equipment with you.
  • The names of tools and materials vary by region. You may see a jigsaw called a handsaw or a dovetail saw, but they are the same tool.

Woodworking tools waiting

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Cutting wood is probably the most basic step in woodworking. Whether building furniture or wall art, every carpenter must cut wood both crosswise (slit cut) and crosswise (cross cut).

While modern power tools cut with incredible speed and precision, almost all cuts in wood can be done by hand. Even today, detailed cuts are best made with a quality handsaw.

bench saw

A table saw can be used for cutting and crosscutting, making it a versatile tool at the heart of many shops. Thanks to the wide and flat board, it is also ideal for cutting large pieces of flat paper such as plywood. If you want to try it out before investing in a full-size table saw, consider a portable version for the job site, which is often priced much more DIY-friendly.

miter saw

A miter saw is a more focused tool that makes cross cuts that are fast, accurate and easy to duplicate. If you often work with relatively narrow workpieces (six inches or less), a miter saw will save you a lot of time.

automatic transmission

If you don't make enough cross cuts to justify buying a miter saw, consider a box miter saw. It's basically a handsaw, with a plastic or wooden frame and holes to guide a handsaw at predetermined angles. Miter boxes allow relatively fast cuts at an unbeatable price.


A jigsaw is perfect for cutting curves and circles on a wooden surface. Beginners are sometimes hesitant when they come across "chat" (quick vibes). But with a little experience and patience, a jigsaw is a valuable addition to any woodworker's tool collection.

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chain saw

A narrow blade jigsaw is perfect for very detailed work such as crown joints (hence the name), as well as for cutting intricate curves and dovetail joinery.

band saw

The vertical blade of a band saw cuts wood in half and cuts curves. Because it is large, the band saw stays in place while the carpenter repositions the cut material. If you're cutting a 2x6 into two 1x6s, a band saw is much better than going through a circular saw twice.

chain saw

A band saw is a smaller version of the band saw. With its more limited jaw opening, a jigsaw is designed for detailed work on smaller parts. If you're doing fine detail on thin wood, this works great.

circular saw

A circular saw is first and foremost a carpentry saw, but it also has its place in a carpenter's tool collection. If you only make random cuts in plywood, it's often better to use a circular saw than invest the space and money in a full circular saw.

drilling woodworking tools

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Drilling is an essential part of woodworking, whether it's pilot holes for nails and screws or pins to hold the work in place. Your tool options include:

Wireless training

A few decades ago, a cordless drill was a luxury for a carpenter. Today, the many low-cost options on the market make this a must. Most carpenters have a single drill/driver for drilling holes and screws.


Some holes require a level of precision that simply cannot be replicated freehand with a cordless drill. In these cases, a drill press can make accurate and easily repeatable holes.

Hand training

A manual (hand) drill has become something of a specialized tool. However, precision and the ability to drill in small increments can be extremely useful when working with fine or precious materials.

Hole saws, shovels, Forstners and other specialty parts

When drilling holes, the drill is only part of the equation. Many woodworkers amass a collection of hole saws, spades, step bits, Forstners, and other specialty bits.

Rather than spending money on a large variety at once, it's usually better to buy them as you need them. Trust us, you'll have an amazing variety in no time.

Shaping tools for woodworking

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All kinds of tools can shape wood. Formatting can happen at the beginning or end of the project. In the case of wood carving and turning , this is essentially the model.

These woodworking tools form:

manual planner

This simple tool has been around for centuries and is still one of the most effective. A well-maintained, carefully calibrated hand brush removes material quickly or with light wear. These come in many sizes and styles. For most beginning woodworkers, Stanley's six-inch rack is a good start.

orbital sander

An orbital sander makes life a lot easier when you're ready to sand a wood surface or hide unwanted knife marks.

generation washer

Belt sanders can remove material very quickly. This is such an aggressive tool that you have to be careful not to overdo it.


A planer reduces the thickness of the boards and makes them even. This is a great tool if you buy raw wood to save money. A smoother plane ensures that the two opposite faces are level and parallel.


An airplane is often used with an airplane. The joints run the length and edge of the wood, creating a clean right angle. If you are placing pieces of wood next to each other, such as for a table, a carpenter will make sure the pieces fit together perfectly.

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Because it is worn and replaced, sandpaper can be considered a "material" rather than a tool. But it's essential in woodworking, so we've included it here.

Sandpaper is especially good for detailed work or curved surfaces. Once the pimple is gone, feel free to throw it away. Remember the old DIY saying: "Life is short, scrappers are cheap."


If you are interested in wood turning, a lathe will be the heart of your workshop. There is something magical about watching a wood turner at work, with pieces of wood flying and the finished object slowly emerging from the spinning log.


A chisel shapes everything from hinge holes to cuts. While the size and shape will depend on your specific needs, a certain type of quality, well-sharpened chisel is essential for almost all types of woodworking.


A router is ideal for changing the edge profile of your project. Whether you choose a handheld router on a shelf or a tabletop router to create custom wood finishes, there are a wide variety of uses for this handy tool.

files and graters

Hand files and planes remove and shape the wood. Files make small adjustments and smooth surfaces, while scrapers remove layers of wood. The file and queue combination tool allows the user to easily switch between the two tasks.

Sticky woodworking tools

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Once you have the wood in shape, you need to tape it down. Carpenters use these tools to repair:


A selection of hammers and hammers, as well as nails and other fasteners, allows you to fix almost anything.

Main weapon

Pneumatic nailers are great tools if you expect to drive a lot of nails or want a nice all-around tool.

Drill/driver and screw

Screws are another great way to join wood. You will use your drill/driver to set the screws and drill pilot holes to minimize separation.


Sometimes all it takes is a stapler to hold the pieces together. Manual and pneumatic clamps are especially useful if you will be covering your project.

pocket patterns

The most popular pocket hole liners are from Kreg. Pocket holes are often used in furniture construction to hide fastener heads.

cookie makers

Biscuits are basically cutting a narrow groove in two adjacent pieces of wood so that a thin oval of wood (biscuit) can be glued or glued into place. In this way they are like a horizontal pin.


Whether it's holding pieces tight to let the glue dry or stabilizing them before drilling holes, most woodworkers feel they can never have enough pliers.

Woodworking tools that measure

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"Measure twice, cut once" is sage advice for anyone who works with wood. But measurement includes checking for squareness, checking level, and finding ways to make it more repeatable.

Measurement is so important that there are many more specialized tools than we list here, from vernier calipers to test squares to moisture meters. These are some of the most common wood measuring tools.

tape measure

Found in almost every carpenter's toolbox, a good tape measure is one of the most used tools on this list.


Levels are ideal for checking level and bullets. Longer metal levels often serve as a double rule.

combined square

A combination square is useful for planning cuts, but it's also essential for calibrating your machines. Table saws and miter saws that are out of square or level will cause hours of frustration.

the square of the velocity

Woodworkers tend to prefer a speed square over carpenters, but this handy little tool is a good investment. If possible, choose a metal square; Plastics can deform under the influence of heat and are easily damaged in a fast-paced and harsh work environment.


A template is a huge time saver and can be used as a de facto measuring device. Jigs guide your tools to help you achieve identical cuts, bends or finishes, drastically reducing the dimensions involved in each process.

There are pre-designed templates available, but most woodworkers find that making their own allows for a more accurate build. If you make several identical cuts, even a template for a single project will often save you more time than it took to build it.

Carpentry tools and finishing materials.

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Once you've done all the cutting, shaping and trimming, feel free to finish! Use the same level of care when completing your project to make sure it's something you can be proud of.

These woodworking tools are used for finishing:

paint and stains

Each project has its own needs and each cabinet maker has its own veneer preferences. Experiment with different brands and materials to find the products that give you the best results.

brushes and cloths

A collection of brushes and rags will make applying paint and stain much easier. This is another area where personal preference comes into play. Experiment with different materials and brush types to find your favorites.

adhesive substance

A tack cloth is a coated cloth used to clean surfaces between coats of finish. Some woodworkers swear by them and others ignore them completely.

Keep dust off your finish

Dust Collection System - Don't try to finish your project with sawdust and airborne debris. That nice wet spot won't look so good in a few hours if it's full of fallen sawdust. A dust collection system sucks all the dust out of the air while you work. This makes your projects easier to accomplish and is healthier for your lungs.

Empty Shop – A dedicated empty shop can power a dust collection system or integrate a dedicated system. Either way, it helps keep your shop clean and your workspace a little less cluttered. A good shop vac is also attached to the exhaust ports of various saws to minimize dust explosion.

Common woodworking mistakes made by beginners



New to woodworking? Here are the TOOLS and SUPPLIES you need to get started.

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