Happy 30th Anniversary To… Northeast Woodworkers Showcase

Happy 30th Anniversary To… Northeast Woodworkers Showcase

SARATOGA SPRINGS. The Catholic University of Saratoga baseball team enters 2023 with a unique combination of youth and experience to use in the 2022 campaign.

Head coach Alphonse Lambert, who is entering his 35th season in charge of the Saints, said there were no seniors on last year's team and almost the entire team is back this season. Many Saints players have already spent several years at the collegiate level, although they are still freshmen.

“Some of these guys are in their freshman year even though they started in seventh or eighth grade, which is amazing,” Lambert said. "A lot of these guys look like seasoned second year high schoolers because they've been playing since eighth grade."

Lambert said he believes the team can compete in the Wasseran League this season, backed up by a strong serve and defense. The Saints enter the season with a projected rotation of three sophomore pitchers Ronan Rowe, Tyler Weigand and rookie Piers Byrne.

According to Lambert, Ryan Gillies, Aidan Crowther, Keel Kelly, Carson Moser and Chris Lockwood will also be on the hill. The Saints' head coach said the team's defense should be another strong point, bolstered by sophomore Hunter Thales, who is starting his third season as the team's wide receiver.

"I think Hunter will be the asset behind the plate," Lambert said. "I love our midfield with (Ryan) Gillis and Tyler Weigand."

Rowe said the team "learned a lot" from the 2022 season and wanted to continue their growth.

“It was definitely a year of development,” Rowe said. "I think we'll have more momentum this year."

“We just want to get better,” Byrne added. "We had a pretty good year last year, but we still have a lot to improve."

Lambert acknowledges that the team needs to gain momentum every day and says the Wasseren league is "no joke."

“We have a goal this year to take one ticket at a time,” Lambert said. "Here at Catholic Saratoga, our goal is always to be in the league championship game."

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