Chicago Students Make Donated Wooden Bluetooth Speakers From Rockler Woodworking And Hardware To Close School Year And Turn Up Summer

Chicago Students Make Donated Wooden Bluetooth Speakers From Rockler Woodworking And Hardware To Close School Year And Turn Up Summer

This national, family-owned retailer donated tools and audio equipment to Simon's Woodworking Academy to support the school's woodworking program and inspire students' futures in woodworking.

Medina, Minnesota (PRWEB) June 14, 2023

A carpenter and woodworking student at Simon Vocational Academy Chicago brought his voice over the summer after building a Bluetooth speaker for family-owned company Rockler Woodworking & Hardware, the nation's leading seller of woodworking tools and supplies. .

Rockler donated speaker kits and woodworking tools and equipment to support Seaman Academy's woodworking programs and encourage students to pursue lifelong careers or hobbies in woodworking and carpentry.

"For most of us, shop parts are the beginning and end of a carpentry career, but our hope is that with a gift like this, we can help young people develop their skills and develop their love for fruit. He really loves it." he said. Steve Singer, CEO of Rockler.

Simon Academy Carpenter students working on a wooden speaker as an end of year project led by instructor Isiah Rasi.

"It's always great to see students improve their woodworking skills throughout the school year, and the Rockler Bluetooth speaker serves as a fun project to showcase what they've learned this year," Rowse said. "America needs young carpenters and carpenters, and our school is fortunate to receive this important grant to provide students with quality tools and projects to inspire their future."

In addition to the Bluetooth speaker kit, Rockler donated high-quality maple and walnut wood speakers, cues, and equipment and supplies to the school to make training rooms.

"I enjoyed working on the Bluetooth speaker project and having the opportunity to learn with a quality tool," said Siemens student Jalen Brown. "I was very interested in carpentry and carpentry and improved my skills during my studies at Simon's."

Roller is all about woodworking and hardware.
Celebrating 69 years as a family business, Roller Woodworking & Hardware is the nation's leader in providing high-quality hardware, tools, lumber and other specialty wood products. Roller has more than 40 retail locations in 26 states, as well as extensive catalog and online operations.

For more information about Rockler, visit or call 1-877-ROCKLER and follow us on social media.

See the original release on PRWeb:

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