Indonesia Plans On Building Nusantara, A New Capital City

Indonesia Plans On Building Nusantara, A New Capital City

This is Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.


A bold project to build a green and pedestrian-friendly capital from scratch.

Headway is a New York Times initiative that looks at the world's problems from the perspective of progress.

Before conquering the fourth largest country in the world, the president of Indonesia was busy with an even more difficult mission: saving Jakarta.

For two years, Joko Widodo was the governor of the capital, which was on the verge of collapse. Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, Jakarta's population has grown from less than a million people to around 30 million. Tall skyscrapers appeared, built on forest, palm oil, natural gas, gold, copper and tin. But there was not enough space in the capital. Through traffic and pollution, it has become thick. Jakarta continued to sink as thirsty residents drained its swampy aquifers and rising seawater flooded its banks. 40 percent of the Indonesian capital is now below sea level.

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Raised in the slums of a small riverside town with no family ties or military background to bring him power, Mr. Joko drew his political strength from his connections with ordinary Indonesians. In Jakarta, he asked the poor about their needs. Residents were not used to such calculations, but they did not hold back: they wanted to live without worrying about the air they breathe and the water that flooded their houses too often. and traffic There were many complaints about traffic.

So, Mr. Joko rolled up his sleeves, put on his sneakers, and set about cleaning up the city. He built breakwaters and improved public transport. He later talked about creating a constellation of artificial islands to disperse the waves crashing into Jakarta. His entire career, first as a carpenter and furniture exporter and then as mayor of his hometown of Solo, has been focused on construction.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo hands out souvenirs at a market in East Kalimantan, a province bordering Nusantara. Fly Ifansasty for the New York Times

However, in Jakarta, his passion for construction could not take him that far. All the Sisyphean dredging, endless inches of concrete stuck to the breakwaters, and tape solutions could not lift Jakarta beyond the reach of the sea. So Mr. Joko came up with another solution: if Jakarta can't be saved, start over.

Joko is using his presidency to abandon the capital on the tiny island of Java and build a new one on Borneo, the world's third largest island, some 800 miles away. The new capital will be called Nusantara, which means "archipelago" in ancient Javanese, and is an unlikely nation of more than 17,000 islands spread between two oceans.

Indonesia includes hundreds of languages ​​and ethnic groups. Some of its regions follow sharia, separatist fervor or are inspired by indigenous traditions. It is also a secular democracy with the world's largest Muslim population, a significant Christian minority and many other official denominations. Although deadly sectarian conflicts have raged for decades, Indonesia has been rebuilding as other countries have collapsed. A new capital for a place of such incongruity and diversity presents both a challenge and an opportunity to reinvent itself.

Transfer of the center of power from Java to Borneo

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The new capital of Indonesia, Nusantara, will be approximately 800 miles from the current capital, Jakarta. Abraham Lynn

Mr. Joko's ambitions go far beyond saving the people of Jakarta from the sea. The president says that Nusantara will not be just a planned city, but a green metropolis that runs on renewable energy sources, where there are no suffocating traffic jams and where people can walk and cycle on green paths. The new capital, known as IKN in Indonesia, will become a paradigm for adaptation to global warming. And it will be a high-tech city, he says, attracting digital nomads and millennials who buy luxury homes with cryptocurrency.

"We want to build a new Indonesia," Joko said. "This is not a physical transfer of buildings. We want a new work ethic, a new mentality, a new green economy."

The hope is to open Jakarta's replacement next August with the opening of the Presidential Palace and other key government buildings. But while bulldozers are clearing hectares of forest plantations, not a single workshop has been completed.

Nusantara is a green metropolis with public transport where people can get their daily needs within 10 minutes on foot or by car. traditional knowledge

Mr. Jock's bold plan will not be easy to implement. Corruption threatens the best intentions in Indonesia. Political rivals question the plan's viability. Also, the new capital of Borneo will not change the fact that millions will remain in the sinking Jakarta. Most don't want to move to a distant island, and some Borneans don't like the capital moving to them.

The unworldly decision of the president has a complex structure. And the whole project fails when Mr. Joko's presidency expires. He has very little time to achieve his ultimate goal in steel and glass: to become the leader who managed to finally build a new Indonesian citadel.

The problems facing Mr. Joko are an exacerbated version of those facing other leaders in the developing world. During the colonial era, places like Jakarta, then called Batavia, were little more than transit points for transporting natural resources back to the empire. Colonial estates planted with jacarandas and bougainvillea were surrounded by slums. After the emergence of independent states, planners had to build modern cities from these imperial bones. According to the United Nations, there are now 33 megacities in the world, each of which has more than 10 million people. In 1950, there was one: New York. And now these megacities face the twin threats of rapid population growth and climate change.

One answer to this myriad of challenges is to simply start over and use the new master plan as a national blank slate. In relation to climate change, the term 'managed removal' refers to the planned removal of communities from vulnerable lands. Mr. Jock's new capital is perhaps the boldest expression of this initiative. What better way to live up to Indonesia's hopes for progress, and the hopes of many countries like it, than to build the future from scratch?

"As a planner, I can tell you that there is some skepticism about the IKN," said Deden Rukmana, chair of the Department of Community and Regional Planning at Alabama A&M University and editor of the Routledge Guide to Urban Planning in the Global South. “But as Indonesians, I think we have to prove to ourselves that we can do it. We can be a global role model in creating a new capital that promotes sustainable development and growth.”

"IKN was not created just for Indonesians," added Professor Deden. “It was built for everyone. So it should be successful."

40% of Jakarta is below sea level, and every year some parts of it sink a foot. Fly Ifansasty for the New York Times

61-year-old Joko, affectionately known as Jokawi, does not position himself as a prophet. At international meetings, he often seems lost in the crowd. He wears a uniform of black pants and a white button-down shirt, sometimes with an undershirt peeking out from under the thin fabric. At the end of last year, we spent a day exploring the area of ​​the new capital. He really wanted to show me what he was up to. But when his advisers tried to push him to the oratorical heights of the proposed project, he asked for a list, not a legacy.

"I do everything," she said. "Roads, toll roads, sea, airports, Nusantara, building green and smart cities in Indonesia".

In front of us, heavy machinery made its way through the red earth. Slender trees fell. The entourage of the assistants drew attention. Mr. Joko closed his eyes as if imagining a vision that only he could see.

When Amy was a child, her family's home in Pluit, Jakarta, overlooked the Java Sea, the sand beckoning children to swim. Colorful boats brought in fish that was fried with turmeric and lemongrass. At the time, Mr. Joko was engaged in wood carving in Solo, officially called Surakarta, in Central Java, unknown to the Indonesian political establishment.

Over the next three decades, the sea came closer and closer to Pluit. City planners built levees to stop the incoming tides, but in 2007, a tidal wave condemned Mrs. Amy's house. Dozens of Jakartans died during the flood season when rivers and dams overflowed. More than half of the city was flooded. There is nowhere to go, the family is rebuilding.

A six-foot concrete wall now stands in front of Mrs. Amy's house. On the other side of the path, inches from the summit, sea water splashes.

"Growing up here, the land was higher than the sea," Ms Amy said. "Now the sea is higher than the land."

"I don't think it's natural," she added.

Five years after the devastating flood, Pluit Joko was sworn in as Jakarta's governor. Traditionally, this position is a stepping stone to political heights, so many officials do not consider the city's problems in detail. But Mr. Joko got it wrong. He started a public transport project for a city where public transport was scarce. He introduced internet taxes to crack down on corruption. And it forced the relocation of about 7,000 illegal squatters to Pluit to strengthen the waterfront.

"Growing up here, the land was higher than the sea. Now the sea is higher than the land. I don't think it's natural,” Amy, Jakarta resident

However, the water rose. A flood the size of a calf entered Mrs. Amy's new living room. Three years ago, the Pluit support structure was erected. One of Joko's successors as Jakarta governor, a presidential candidate named Anis Baswedan, also commented on plans to build tunnels, dams and locks. But such corrections will never be enough, according to Ms. Amy. Experts agree. Too much water.

Flooding in Jakarta is not a new problem. The Dutch colonizers tried to move their famous canals and other engineering structures to the flat landscape. But artificial reservoirs attracted mosquitoes and caused tropical diseases. They separated the Europeans from the Indonesians. And miles of concrete fences have cleared the land of sediment brought by the 13 rivers that flow into Jakarta. Without this seasonal infusion, new layers were mined from the soil, and as the freshwater aquifers dried up, the city began to subside and sink.

When Amy was a child, her neighborhood in Jakarta was above sea level. Now they live with their daughter opposite the two-meter concrete wall that holds back the sea. Fly Ifansasty for the New York Times

Deforestation, overpopulation, and clogged drains all contributed to the chaos. More than 10 million people live in an area half the size of New York City, with another 20 million in the greater metropolitan area. According to some reports, Indonesia was the fourth most unequal society in the world in 2021, and the income gap in Jakarta is widening. Impoverished residents hang their shacks over muddy canals or build in the shadow of elite settlements. Pillars stick out; crawling pythons. Whatever measures are taken for this bustling and lively capital, Jakarta is blooming, smelling and sinking.

Urban sprawl has also deprived the capital of green spaces that would serve as a natural sponge, absorbing monsoons and channeling moisture into dry aquifers. Like more than half of the city, Mrs. Amy's neighborhood has no running water. He pays almost $10 every two days to fill the tank with water from a truck.

But this damp place, where there is no water for drinking or bathing, is his home. Miss Amy shook her head at the thought of a new capital in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago.

"This is the capital, this is a great city," he said, waving beside her, past a line of well-washed children on their way to the mosque for evening prayers; past men in sarongs hunched over plates of fried noodles; past the alley that leads to the pumping station where cars try to keep the sea out; Former palaces are closed to the poor.

It was the dry season, but the water was still dripping, gray and oily.

"This other place in Borneo isn't even a town," said IKN's Amy. "The city should not be the capital of Indonesia."

The entourage of the president disembarked from a sea patrol boat near the future capital of Indonesia. The sun was shining strong and bright. A rusted footbridge led to a muddy road, and officials more used to Jakarta's air-conditioned privilege watched as dust from the massive construction site settled on their leather boots.

Mr. Joko offered to show me the plan of Nusantara and devoted a whole day to this tour. During our visit, his entourage included cabinet ministers, geologists, botanists, surveyors, builders, civil servants, local authorities and tribal chiefs, all advised to wear shirtless and feathered headdresses, and at least one, it seems, there was enough of a person whose duties he performed including on the president's iPad.

Dressed in a rumpled white shirt, black pants and black sneakers with white soles, Joko was hard to imagine hosting the G-20 summit and posing for photos with other heads of state in a few weeks. and make encouraging statements about world peace. In this line of trees in Borneo, Mr Joko looked happy. Some of the bureaucrats present stumbled in the mountainous terrain; Mr. Joko walked lightly in his comfortable boots, stammering statistics like a seasoned tour guide and listing economic data well past the decimal point.

We stop to admire the dam under construction. Mr. Joko was aware of the exact delay of the project as well as the various adjustments made to his design. Nusantara will rely almost entirely on renewable resources, he said, delivering a brief monologue on the benefits of wind, solar and hydropower. He promised that the new capital would become carbon neutral in a few decades.

We walked down a few short steps to a circular concrete plaza nestled between the trees. The white letters against the forest canopy indicated that this was the point for Nusantara's construction, where the earth had been filled last year. Mr. Joko was quick to assure me that the trees around us came from a eucalyptus plantation, not a virgin jungle. The new capital will not suffer from endangered species, he said.

We visited a tree nursery where Mr. Joko, who specializes in forestry, paid attention to the soil needs of each tiny sapling standing on a leaf in the heat. One day, he says, Nusantara will be an amusement park filled with endemic hardwoods, which he hopes to restore. Three-quarters of Nusantara is used as forest, compared to less than 10% of green space in Jakarta.

"I check all the seedlings," said Mr. Joko. "I check twice, my minister checks four times and the CEO checks eight times."

Mr. Joko, who studied forestry, visited a tree nursery in the new capital, where seedlings are grown for planting. Fly Ifansasty for the New York Times

At another stop, construction workers in hard hats stood at attention as Joko described where the parliament building and the presidential palace, shaped like the mythical Garuda bird, the national symbol, would be built. Each location is marked with balloons swaying in the wind. There were few witnesses of actual construction. Continue. There, he explained, would be a national mosque and other places of worship for a multi-faith society. First of all, this is how the thirst for a new story was born, which led to two million films, and therefore it was destroyed, which was a great test for this bloodthirsty family.

This beginning, which Mr. Joko welcomed, Durian said, said that in recent years he has adopted his IK N plan and said that he has already recently summarized the results of new things e 10-minute walks or trips. In the case of transport, the duration is 16 percent. On the creeks 80 paces from Nusantara. New security measures, Mr. Joko described the future treasures of the new capital.

"Autonomous vehicles," they said enthusiastically. "Transport hubs".

New pillars are created according to the principle of the principle. Some not-so-expensive products, the first name, Kazakhstan style, named Nur-Soul Tan after the country's long-time authoritarian leader, or Nay Pyi Taw, a remote bunker city, post-triple military junta Myanmar. In fact, Takié, like Canberra and Washington, was indeed a rival city.

Казначэйства так Dodom ў Танзаніі Ісламабад ў Пакістане вы можаце паспрабаваць мазаць нацыянальны цэнтр, перш чым вы жения. І гэта адна з катэгорый – гэта абгрунтаванне – Путраджай па-малайску і мала безымянная для Каіру ў Егіпце – новыя адміністрацыйныя базы, прызваныя паменшыць перанаселенасць бліжання мегаполісаў.

Па гэтай прычыне новы вэб-сайт быў распрацаваны шматлікімі экспертамі. Перанос сталіцы быў амбіцыяй аўтарытарных ідэраў Інданезіі мінулага, а не яеее дэмакратычны выбранны п Рэзідэнт выкарыстоўваў сваю ўладу, што б зрабіць гэты прыярытэт. У пандэміі Covid-19, са здароўем інданэзійскага органа, калонія знаходзіцца ў працэсе здачы самалётаў, г-н Джока пратолкнуў нацыянальны закон, які тычыцца мельчайшых дэталяў й для Безумоўна, мінімальнай колькасці мінімальнага памеру дастаткова каб атрымаць адно добрае суадносіны кошту і якасці. Гэты праект быў прададзены за 30 мільёнаў даляраў.

«Калі мы надышлі ў Новы год, гэта заняло некаторы час. Гэта не так на адзін дзень, гэта немагчыма для мяне, бо Аладзін - прынц каралеўства", - сказаў Бам Банг Сусантона, кіраўнік Nusantar.

Аналагічная сітуацыя і з IKN special, які быў уключаны ў ЗША ў 2024 годзе. Архітэктар чакаў 10 дзён, што ён знойдзе час для дасягнення неабходных вынікаў. Зразумела, што ўжо два гады таму Завяршэна будзе жыць шчасліва. Рашэнне прынятае з-за асцярогі, што капітальны праект можа быць ухвалены. Г-н Аніс, яго былы губернатар Джакартс і вельмі запатрабаваны кандыдат у прэзідэнты за апошнія некалькі гадоў, нядаўна выступіў перад новай царквой.

«Ты нарадзіўся ў новым годзе, гэта пачатак дня, гэта не так», — Аладзін адчувае сябе няўтульна ў свой дзень. Трэба сказаць, што гэта пазамінулы год. - Бангладэш, муніцыпалітэт Нусантара.

Крытыкі IKN сцвярджаюць, што яны сапраўды атрымалі 20 балаў з 20 у плане тэставання. Бягучыя фінансавыя фінансы павінны быць прадстаўлены іншымі інвестарамі і інвестарамі. Інданезійская кампанія вырашыла адкрыць рупію. SoftBank, японская тэхналагічная карпарацыя, якая выкарыстоўваецца ў богу Прашлом. Strany, калега, ад імя Jerome, вартыя даверу ў свеце, таксама як Saudovskaya Arabia, Singapore і Arab Emirates, untraceable ых абавязацельстваў.

Вам не трэба прасіць пэўны час, каб атрымаць адабрэнне на 76 пытанняў у студзені. Палітычна апантаны прапановай, прэзідэнт Аўленнага ўзняў пытанне з Рокам, які толькі што завяршыў новы праект. У гэтым сэнсе яго кандыдат у прэзідэнты атрымаў Прапанаваным, Который падтрымлівае ІКН.

Але я баяўся, што ведаю пра Нусантару, таму прэзідэнт прадставіўся Рынок у Нефтянскім горадзе Балікпап ан на ўсходнім пабярэжжы Барнэа. Паспрабуйце пераканаць містэра Дэко з яго чакаючым сябрам. Было шмат крытыкаў і японскага SELFI. Г-н Джока прадставіў горад у шэрагу акумулятараў і расходных матэрыялаў. Жанчына была на мяжы апёку з-за надзвычайнай тэмпературы, якая закісала столькі жывых істот. Спадар прэзідэнт быў асабліва ўцягнуты ў гэтую затрымку. Спадар Джока прачытаў гэта. Непасрэдна ў прэзідэнта крэдыты падлічваюцца, уносяцца і чарняцца, дыктафон і абменнік за адны і тыя ж грошы ўваходзяць у адзін прадмет.

Сібарані Сафіян нарадзіўся 28 снежня ў раёне Небаскрэба і ўбачыў смог. З цягам часу – на вуліцу, на вуліцу, на вуліцу, скручанымі пятлямі на паў – абарванымі панэлямі ў горад звозілі жанчын і мужчын.

У 2019 годзе фірма God Okolo 300 павінна была быць лепшым варыянтам для Новага года дзядзькі Індыі ў цэлым. Аднак, калі няма такога пытання, як Б. Сібарані, у гонар якога і названа. У яго была вельмі дрэнная рэпутацыя з-за яго транснацыянальнай кампаніі з Гарадской і яго пасады ў Sozdal SV zilia, або П'ером Шарлем Л'Энфаном, стваральнікам Вашынгтона, Калумбіі.

«Ці магчыма: Немагчыма стварыць новага архітэктара для распрацоўкі новабудоўляў?» — сказаў г-н Сібарані. «Магчыма, што вы слабы дользен.

Сібарані не патрэбны. Пра аўтара і іншых удзельнікаў «Нарадзіўся славіцца сваімі ўлажнымі трапічнымі лесамі, і я цвёрда ўбездзень, што як інданезійцу, будучаму нову ую сталіцу, план павінен падражаць прыроду», — сказаў ён.

У гэтым плане новыя інданезійскія гісторыі былі выпушчаныя ў другой палове свята, і больш людзей было вызвалена. і ў транспартнай сістэме Узбекістана жыхары горада Нуса-Антарья могуць скарыць хатні горад. Вылучэнне, безумоўна, імітуе экстрэмальны тропік краіны, здольны хутка размнажацца і супакойваць ваду, што можа перашкодзіць абыходжанню з людзьмі.

Сибарани Софиан, дызайнер новых гісторый, черпал вдохновение в ландшафте и архитектурных традициях Бор нео, а таксама адно з асноўных напрамкаў. Апошнія прыхільнікі New York Times

Падчас будаўнічых работ ост-індыйскіх каланістаў ост-індскі дом быў разбураны. Здания сгорели от жары. Інданэзійская архітэктура з выбранымі профілямі вывучае кругі людзей, якія іх маюць, і іншыя прычыны.

У Сібарані адзначылі, што праект «Нусантарс побудит другие развивающиеся страны строить города, вдохновлен» не з'яўляецца звычайным і звычайным і не можа лічыцца традыцыйным. Няма відэа, якое карыстальнікі прадстаўляюць, як у тэкставым паведамленні. У рэгіёне Паўднёвай Карэі быў паказаны відэаролік вертыкальнага праекта, які ўплывае на людзей. У асобе Холма яна магла зрабіць фота з фотасесіі - галоўнакамандуючы паглядзеў на яе новы язык - і ўбачыць яе потым, пасля кароткага часу ў Сібарані, гэта так проста, гэта першы раз, калі бюджэт даступны У першае месца ў трох кіламетрах каля вялікага горада. размешчаны ў бухце, дзе ён хацеў пабудаваць.

«Спачатку ідзе прэзідэнт урада, і першым, хто прызнае гэта, з'яўляецца пункт гледжання Нусантары», — сказаў скандальны Басукі Хадзім, міністр эканамічнай і сацыяльнай палітыкі, які займаўся прыняццем турэмных планаў. «Спадар. Прэзідэнт ведае, што гэта фактар».

У Інданезіі гэта бачна пад абрэвіятурай ABS: Asal Bapak Senang або «пад старшынствам начальніка».

Prikaz быў заснаваны Ёхансанам у каланіяльнай краіне, дзе, цытуючы Сібарані, ён прывёў больш за 30 працэнтаў наведвальнікаў на сайт ительство. Ішоў час, 60 чалавек апынуліся пад замком, і Армола там была не больш чым рэкордам. Першае, што вам трэба зрабіць, гэта выбраць адну з моў. Такім чынам, калі вы не хочаце гэтага рабіць, калі вы не хочаце гэта чытаць, вы не можаце чакаць. Г-н Сібарані і іншыя праектаўшчыкі спакойныя аб тым, як зямля вытрымае нагрузку, калі будаўніцтва ідзе ў спешцы ў сжатыя тэрміны.

«Прыродзе не плацяць, гэта на вуліцы майго дома, — сказаў г-н Сібарані.

У мінулым годзе прыехаў у Маскву. Шырокі праспект Расейская гісторыя з грандыёзнасцю праекта г.зн. Прышла яшчэ адна прэзідэнцкая дырэктыва: пашырыць галоўны праспект у ИКН да шасці палос з аднабаковымі двума жанчынамі з большай паласой адводу. Не важна, што такая шырокая вуліца супярэчыла духу пешаходнай і эфектыўнай працы, якая адмовілася ад містэра Джока. Жаданне прэзідэнта павялічыць плошчу прэзідэнцкага двара і змяніла прапорцыі горада.

«Прырода не бюджэт, гэта мой будынак, які стаіць пры дарозе». — Сібарані Сафіян, дызайнер новай сталіцы

«Вы рожаете дзіцяці і надзеіцеся, што ў яго два вочы, нармальныя рысы асобы», — сказаў г-н Сібарані. «І, аказваецца, ён падобны на цыклопа».

Містэр Сібарані снял вочкі і працёр вочы. У канферэнцыі-зале памяліся некаторыя рысы сэрца Нусантары. Іншыя былі отброшены. Ён паглядзеў на масавую мадэль новай сталіцы, кускі пенопласта, склеены ў выглядзе памяншэння канцэнтрацыі кругоў, якія адлюстроўваюць нераўнамерны ландшафт.

Вершина оторвалась от одного холма. Ён смахнуў яго звіняючымся тонам.

Барнэа, які знаходзіцца на тэрыторыі Малайзіі і Брунеі, з'яўляецца домам для адных з самых вялікіх у маім масіве першых тропікаў, у якіх яны вырошчваюць каля 15 000 відаў раслін. У гэтых вільготных джунглях жывуць арангутангі, карлікавыя слоны, носачы і дымчатыя леапарды — хоць і менш е, чым раней. Около половины тропических лесов Борнео было вырублено за четыре десятилетия до 2015 года, в основном незаконно, согласно спутниковому анализу экологических групп.

Большая часть территории будущей столицы находится на земле, которая должна была быть защищена от городской застройки, включая часть официально обозначенного национального парка. Экологические группы говорят, что они до сих пор не видели оценку воздействия IKN на окружающую среду. Хотя местные власти трубят о приверженности района сохранению природы, плантации древесины, бумаги и масличных пальм раскинулись по холмам вплоть до залива. Сам национальный парк испещрен угольными шахтами. Принятые в прошлом году меры по борьбе с незаконной добычей полезных ископаемых в заповеднике мало что дали. На одной из предположительно закрытых шахт до сих пор бульдозеры катят по покрытому шрамами ландшафту.

Эти факты на местах показывают пропасть между амбициями г-на Джоко — чистый, зеленый город для чистой, зеленой нации! — и реальность страны, где уничтожение девственных тропических лесов вызвано безудержной коррупцией. (Страна занимает 110-е место из 180 стран в индексе восприятия коррупции Transparency International за 2022 год.) Семена индонезийских проблем — взяточничество, перенаселенность, ограбление окружающей среды, культурная деградация — тоже процветают здесь.

Г-н Джоко неоднократно призывал к введению моратория на вырубку лесов, и ему удалось укротить воровство тропических лесов для производства пальмового масла в некоторых частях Индонезии. Но местные лидеры имеют значительную автономию в выдаче разрешений на добычу природных ресурсов. Восточный Калимантан, провинция, окружающая IKN, обеспечивает 60 процентов экспорта угля Индонезии. В прошлом году, отчасти из-за стремительного роста цен на энергоносители после российского вторжения в Украину, Индонезия отправила за границу рекордное количество угля. В последние месяцы некоторые планировщики Нусантары отказались полностью отдавать новую столицу возобновляемым источникам энергии.

«Индонезия печально известна своими хорошими законами, которые плохо соблюдаются», — говорит Эка Перманасари, доцент городского дизайна в Университете Монаш, Индонезия. «Есть вероятность, что Нусантара может стать эталоном для городов будущего, но это зависит от того, что на бумаге будет реализовано в полевых условиях».

Первоначальные обитатели лесов Нусантары хорошо знают, как тяжело ориентироваться в индонезийских правилах и положениях. Начиная с 1960-х годов членам группы коренных народов Балык говорили, что местность, по которой они когда-то бродили, на самом деле им не принадлежала. В конце концов, где были их документы на собственность? Бизнесмены из Джакарты скупали концессии на древесину, каучук и масличную пальму в тропических лесах Восточного Калимантана. Прибыли и рабочие-мигранты в рамках программы под названием «transmigrasi», которая помогла уменьшить перенаселенность Явы, предоставив права на землю людям, желающим переселиться в отдаленные регионы. Яванцы в настоящее время составляют самую большую этническую группу в Восточном Калимантане. Первичные тропические леса уступили место трансмиграционным деревням и монокультуре.

Панди Джонади, член группы коренных народов Балик, должен будет переехать после завершения строительства плотины для Нусантары. Улет Ифансасти для The New York Times

Панди Джонади, старейшина баликов, живет в поселке недалеко от места строительства плотины Нусантара. Почти 100 семей баликов были вынуждены переселиться в деревню после того, как в 1969 году лес, который они использовали на протяжении поколений, был взят под плантации древесины. Эта земля включает в себя то, что однажды станет «нулевой точкой» Нусантары.

«Правительство обращается с нами как со своим мусором, — сказал он мне. Он сидел на виниловом полу с деревянным рисунком в своем доме, отгоняя насекомых, кишащих флуоресцентным светом. Его усы топорщились. «Они уважают вымирающие виды даже больше, чем мы, люди».

Как только плотина будет завершена, деревня, куда были насильственно переселены балыки, будет разрушена. Должностные лица столичного развития говорят, что они работали с сообществом, чтобы обеспечить их безопасное перемещение и адекватную компенсацию. Г-н Панди сказал, что, поскольку его деревню планировалось уничтожить, ни одно должностное лицо не сообщило ему подробностей о переселении. Спекуляция землей приводит к росту цен на местную недвижимость.

«Все, что они сказали нам, это то, что мы можем продавать сувениры Balik туристам, которые приезжают посетить плотину», — сказал г-н Панди. "Этого не достаточно."

Губернатор Восточного Калимантана Исран Нур является представителем другого коренного племени. До того, как его провинция была выбрана для Нусантары, он сказал, что выступает против любой силы, которая уничтожит местные леса. По его словам, он вырос, почитая природу как «сына земли».

Однако теперь г-н Исран с энтузиазмом поддерживает новую столицу. Он присоединился к нам в туре и провел время лицом к лицу с президентом. По его словам, новые рабочие места и новые технологии помогут провинции развиваться. И стала ли земля эвкалиптовыми фермами или плантациями масличных пальм или осталась девственным тропическим лесом, «это просто смена одного типа растительности на другой», как он выразился.

Конечно, крупные землевладельцы в регионе и компании, с которыми они связаны, получат прибыль. Один из них — советник г-на Джоко по иностранным инвестициям, горнодобывающий и сельскохозяйственный магнат. Другой брат министра обороны Индонезии. In a previous job, Mr. Isran was in charge of dispensing dozens of permits for coal mines not far from the IKN site.

“No one in East Kalimantan is unhappy about the new capital,” Mr. Isran said. “No one.”

On a hill above the construction site for the presidential palace, a man named Roni stepped down from his truck and wiped away sweat. He was glad for the work ferrying loads of earth. It paid $110 a month, better than his previous hours spent at a coal mine. But he was nonetheless baffled by the project.

“I have no idea why Jokowi wants to put the capital here,” Mr. Roni said, laughing. “But I'm glad we have his attention.”

Mr. Roni is Dayak — a broad term for a grouping of Indigenous peoples in Borneo that includes the Balik. The Dayak have been treated as cultural curiosities for centuries, both by Europeans and by others from the Indonesian archipelago. But from Mr. Roni's perspective, Mr. Joko is a leader for all kinds of Indonesians.

No other president had bothered to visit local Dayak communities repeatedly, Mr. Roni said. No other president had committed to providing local people with so many jobs. And no other leader had made them feel that their little part of a big island was as much a part of Indonesia as Java was.

The president's commitment to Indonesia's many peoples is not new, even if reformers have been disappointed by the malleability of that dedication. In 1998, Mr. Joko defended terrified Chinese Indonesians when pogroms erupted, part of a pattern of deadly persecution of the minority group. While governor of Jakarta, he chose as his deputy an ethnic Chinese Christian. His deputy, who became governor, was later imprisoned for blasphemy, a conviction that human rights groups said was politically motivated, driven by enemies of Mr. Joko's secular administration.

Mr. Joko, like every president of Indonesia save one, is Javanese. Moving the capital to Borneo is a statement of intent, an attempt to redistribute the country's economic and demographic heft away from a single island.

Mr. Joko, who is not prone to rhetorical embellishments, is a poor spokesman for Nusantara. And yet excavators and bulldozers, backhoes and loaders, cranes and cement mixers rumble through the forest like columns of Borneo fire ants. Mr. Joko's vision is expressed through these machines that dig and shift and build.

“If my children and my grandchildren can experience living in the capital of Indonesia,” Mr. Roni said, “that will be amazing.”

“Indonesia is more than Jakarta," said President Joko Widodo. "Indonesia is more than Java. So we must make the capital in a place that is far away.” Ulet Ifansasti for The New York Times

What could come of this?

Thank you for reading. We're interested in your thoughts. Indonesia's capital city faces sinking land and rising seas. The president's solution, building an entirely new capital city from scratch, is a large-scale version of an approach many places threatened by climate change are now having to consider. But while some people will move from Jakarta, many will not. What do you think are the best and worst outcomes for Indonesia?

Hannah Beech is the senior correspondent for Asia based in Bangkok. She was previously the Southeast Asia bureau chief. Prior to that posting, she reported for Time Magazine from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bangkok. @hkbeech

Ulet Ifansasti is a photojournalist and documentary photographer, with interest in social, environmental and cultural issues. He was born in Papua and is based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He is a regular contributor to The New York Times.

Muktita Suhartono contributed reporting.

Illustration by Alice Fang. Produced by Jason Chiu, Karan Deep Singh, Eve Lyons and Umi Syam. Editing by Vera Titunik.

The Headway initiative is funded through grants from the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors serving as a fiscal sponsor. The Woodcock Foundation is a funder of Headway's public square. Funders have no control over the selection, focus of stories or the editing process and do not review stories before publication. The Times retains full editorial control of the Headway initiative.

How nature inspires the design of Indonesia's New Capital City | Sibarani Sofian | TEDxGateway

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