New Woodworking Studio Dovetails With Community Needs

New Woodworking Studio Dovetails With Community Needs

Sean Livingston and Mora Jakubic offer a membership-based platform. Framework Studios' grand opening is scheduled for Saturday at the Sanders Road store.

Easy with a hammer and saw but don't have the right tools or space to work on a woodworking project?

Well, check out Framework Studios, a new open wood studio that is a fully equipped workshop with all tools and chairs.

Shaun Livingston and Mora Yakubates are teaming up on this new work exclusively for Barry. Their mission is to "grow the woodworking community and provide opportunities for woodworking and small business success."

The business model is subscription-based, where customers subscribe to multiple plans offered for different needs, skills and timelines.

"There are different levels of membership depending on people's needs," Livingston told BarityDay "We have woodworking tools that could be needed to make any type of furniture or joinery."

Flexibility is their goal.

Whether you're a morning lark or a late night owl, you have 24/7 access to the store and its tools.

Livingston has a furniture business that originally started in his room and garage, and this new venture is his first foray into the commercial space.

"The idea was born a year ago," he says.

Meanwhile, Yacoubi worked with Livingston in the cabinetmaker and cabinetry business.

They "worked their way" to get to this point with their businesses and the creation of new territories.

Jacobich calls it "building and flying airplanes."

The subscription-based platform is now live and "people love it," she says. "We already have some people signing up daily, some monthly."

The opening ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 27. The studio is located on the south side of Barrie at 317 Saunders Rd. Part 2 is available.

You don't have to be comfortable to join. On May 15, advanced woodworking began for those who had never touched a tool or machine before.

They offer private lessons for beginners or experts to gain the skills needed to complete a project.

And if space is an issue for you, they've thought of that too.

"One of the things people have seen us do is keep the project," Jakubic says, "so when you're here and building, you don't have to do this dining table project that you work on every night."

"We're trying to focus on members who value the opportunity to build big projects," says Livingston. "They work like a dinner table a week here."

The concept of membership in this area is new.

“They are less. I know two others in Ontario, one in Ottawa and one in London. There are very few of them.” “I know that some jobs in large areas are so hobby-oriented that at the end of the day you have to clean everything up and take it with you,” says Livingston.

"We want other small businesses to succeed, and having started as a small business, we know how to fight. One cannot fit all of this into a small basement or garage workshop, only machines," he adds.

Supply of materials is also part of the business plan.

"We have wood, commercial laminates and veneers, sandpaper, glue and more," Livingston said.

"When members join us they create an account so they can only pay for what's in their account. And we don't have to be here so if they need more sandpaper at 2 a.m. they drop it home. Off the wall. Take the cart and move away

Livingston says the couple's favorite part of the process so far is "meeting all the new carpenters that come in the door."

"Everyone has their own story of how they got into the forestry industry, how they got to where they are today, and it's inspiring to see some of these people. It's great to know we're helping them build the next chapter in their forestry career." art," he says.

For more information, visit their website at

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