Woodworking New Passion For Local Charity

Woodworking New Passion For Local Charity

Steven's Backpack Society introduces a new product they sell to help fund all their projects: flower boxes.

To date, Steven's Backpack Society has repaired more than 34 homes and several backpacks and sneakers, according to Steven's mother, Nancy McPhee, director of Steven's Backpack Society.

"We have produced more than 90,000 backpacks and 17,000 pairs of sports shoes for children going to school, because the demand for them is very high.

Recently, the need for help has been greater than ever. To help with the cost of the items, the association is now selling flower boxes and dinner plates. The A Team, which includes Stephen and several other community members, makes these plates and bowls in McPhee's garage.

"Everything is made to order. If you want to order, we can make any kind of wood [using] any type of wood you want, come talk to us. A cutting board fills the backpack of someone in need, so it's nice to do that," he explained. Jeff Dyke, Team Manager AJ

The plant boxes are a new project they just started.

"We have this new style of planter box, both indoor and outdoor, and we have three sizes of indoor planters and an outdoor planter box. They are all made from exotic wood species.

Having run the charity for 17 years with the help of his mother, Stephen is very proud to see how long the community has been around. He also enjoys working on these woodworking projects because they serve a good cause and help children. According to him, reconstruction of houses is more difficult than other projects.

"Emotionally I was fine, physically I was exhausted," Stephen explained.

Click here to view options and learn about plant pots or dinner plates.

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