Sustainable Forest Management Yields Positive Results In 2023: Govt

Sustainable Forest Management Yields Positive Results In 2023: Govt
JAKARTA (Antara) - Sustainable forest management has helped achieve several positive results this year, including ensuring the sustainability of forestry initiatives in terms of forest productivity, a government official said.

"Several indicators show that the performance target for sustainable forest management in 2023 has been exceeded," said Agus Justianto, Acting Director General of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (SFM). Thursday accepted here.

Apart from forest productivity showing positive results, the accelerated implementation of multi-forest business models in Forestry Business Permits (PBPH) also contributes to increasing the integration of forest management by involving the community.

Justianto said that in 2023, PBPH will be planted and enriched covering an area of ​​667,780 hectares. This figure is 156 percent higher than the target of 428,000 hectares.

Likewise, wood production reached 58.13 million cubic meters or 101.9 percent of the target of 57 million cubic meters.

The largest wood production comes from plantation forests, namely 89.01 percent. Meanwhile, from natural forests 7.37 percent, BUMN Parhutani 1.59 percent, and non-forest 2.03 percent (percent), he added.

Round wood is used as raw material for the forest product processing industry and is made into various products such as wood products, plywood, wood chips, wood panels and even pulp.

Production of forest products such as sugar cane, gaharu, latex and bamboo will also increase to reach 820.2 thousand tons in 2023 or 193 percent of the target of 425 thousand tons, said Justianto.

Forest management is also becoming more inclusive, providing access to the wider community.

According to Justianto, provisions for legal access to PBPH by forestry associations have been implemented in 2023 covering an area of ​​20,643 hectares or 137.6 percent of the target of 15,000 hectares.

" After cooperation in the forestry sector, the Memorandum and Cooperation Agreement (CCA) text was signed between the community and PBPH," he said.

He also said that efforts to involve the community in forest management through forestry cooperation are in line with the PBPH policy which encourages multiforest enterprises (MBU) which not only target wood products, but also non-timber forest products.

"The implementation of MUC is necessary because it can increase the real economic value of forests and increase forest productivity by encouraging the plant diversification process," he said.

This year, MUK was established by carrying out multiforestry operations with an agroforestry model on PBPH covering an area of ​​14,078 hectares and 28,203 hectares in 12 Perutani Forest Management Units (KPH) spread across seven provinces.

Justianto added that the MUK model has also been implemented in 64 KPH units covering an area of ​​12,210 hectares in 14 provinces.

Meanwhile, Indroyono Suesilo, president of the Indonesian Forestry Entrepreneurs Association (APHI), said that the current business environment is increasingly positive, contributing to improving the performance of sustainable forest management.

"The policies initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry increasingly encourage PBPH to run well," he said.

Soesilo said the ministry would support the direction of sustainable forest management by diversifying forest product industry products to accelerate the implementation of PBPH MUK in the future and encourage the sustainability of forestry businesses.

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